Teacher Assessment Application

Project Details

Zyqual’s Assessment Progress Tracker & Reporting Platform (Zyqual Assessment). Zyqual’s Assessment Database Intelligence tool is a tool that allows you to present information in an intelligent and meaningful manner, enabling you to conduct your assessment and feedback 100 times faster. Enabling you to get on with what really matters, improving processes in your company or acting on areas of weakness to improve. Spend no more time analysing data, spend time improving and growing.


Paper based forms and assessment is very cumber some and time consuming.

Compiling data and report from the paper based form and making a report and chart was very difficult task and lot of productive time was wasted in this process

Design and updating forms was very challenging, making sure that right form was used for assessment.

Accuracy of data was very low.

Quality of reporting was also very low.

What Spectrum delivered:

  • The end product was fully responsive website/app on all platforms that people or organizations can subscribe to and create their own hierarchy of users and access levels.
  • Each individual or organization can create their own forms for assessment using Zyqual. When users create their forms. It will generate a database and automatically provide charts and graphs or users can click to choose query data to generate graphs and charts.
  • The system suggest reports and presents graphs and charts for users to see their progress against the targets they set themselves on each criteria or an overall goal or targets/goal set for them by persons in the organisation with authority.
  • It is built in a way that is scalable and allow for growth.


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