Microsoft 365 Threat Protection
Gain powerful protection against cyberthreats
Microsoft threat protection tools work together to help secure your email, data, devices and identities against the growing, increasingly costly risk of cyber threats.
Tools for threat protection
- Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
- Microsoft Defender for Office 365
- Microsoft Cloud App Security
- Microsoft Defender for Identity
Get trusted, enterprise-grade threat protection
With a hacker attack happening somewhere every 39 seconds, you need trustworthy, tested protection for your digital environment. The Microsoft 365 collection of threat-protection technologies helps protect against and provides visibility about spam, malware, viruses, phishing attempts, malicious links, and other threats.
Prevent, detect, and respond to advanced threats
Get comprehensive endpoint protection with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Microsoft Defender for Endpoint protects endpoints from cyber threats; detects advanced attacks and data breaches, automates security incidents and improves security posture.
Help defend against advanced email threats
Microsoft Defender for Office 365 helps protect against unknown, sophisticated attacks hidden in email attachments and links, and it provides cutting-edge defenses against zero-day threats, ransomware, and other advanced malware. Rich reporting lets you investigate why Microsoft Defender for Office 365 flagged a threat, and it gives you critical insights about users who are being targeted in your organization.
Enhance your visibility and control
Identify high-risk and abnormal usage, security incidents, and evolving threats within your Microsoft 365 environment and set up detailed anomaly-detection policies and controls with Microsoft Cloud App Security. Gain enhanced visibility into your Microsoft 365 usage and uncover Shadow IT of cloud apps in your organization.
Detect and investigate advanced attacks on-premises and in the cloud
Microsoft Defender for Identity leverages your on-premises Active Directory signals to identify, detect, and investigate advanced threats, compromised identities, and malicious insider actions directed at your organization. Microsoft Defender for Identity provides invaluable insights on identity configurations and suggested security best-practices to protect identities and reduce attack surface.